Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Incarnation Experiment

Every once in a while, when you feel like you've lost yourself and there is no way to bring back that spark, one remembers that they can always reinvent themselves. At a price.
This brings me to today, where I headed to the nearest Westfields to get my fix. I called it my day of Retail Incarnation. A reboot for the soul, ignoring all financial judgement from the Angel on my shoulder. She reminded me that I caught the bus there to save on petrol money.

I ignored her!

Just to hasten the guilt-free haze, I bought myself a new Christina Re notebook for all my delicious ideas.

I was thoroughly enjoying myself, when it hit me. School Holidays. The holidays themselves didn't actually hit me, but a sticky-fingered fairy-floss hand on my new prized possession did. What I concluded was this

a. I needed a baby wipe pronto
b. The coordinator who put a kids playground, a magician, a balloon animal guy, a popcorn machine and a fairy floss (grr) stand in one small corridor should be fired immediately.( And I should definitely take their place! )
c. I'm fairly certain that Frederick William III didn't actually invent the modern "schools" as we know them. I bet it was his wife Louise, with 10 children. I can see it now, that poor woman just wanting to freaking shop in peace from 9-3 on a week day, and VOILA! School.

So for those of you who can't wait to get the young masses back into their educational confinements; to shop without the sickly sweet smell of popcorn and oily fingers, and the shrilly squeaks of "I WANNA GO HOME!!!", fear not. It's only two weeks away. And if it wasn't for that super baby making Louise, those cotton candy stands would probably be permanent features of our shopping experience.

Aside from the shrills, the prams cramming me inside aisles and blocking my entrance to many a tiny sale store, I still managed to get some goodies to cart home. I probably should have known when to call it quits, but there's always one more pair of shoes that I need, and don't have. It was the straw that broke the camels back.. And also his piggy bank. And by the camel's piggy bank...... I mean my own.

Although I had to wait an extra 15 minutes for my Ben and Jerry's fix, the devil herself (It's a she. She wears Prada, right?) couldn't wipe the child like delight on my face. I lit up brighter than a tacky Christmas tree when I got handed that small tub of chocolate chip cookie dough evil (which of course, melted all over my handbag as I forgot I wouldn't be getting home in the comfort of my air-conditioned, petrol weilding vehicle).

Of all the children that could have messed me up, here I am cleaning up after my own child like delights.

Scrubbing my guess bag by hand like a good little girl,

<3 Miss Coordinate

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